Restorative services for women & children.

Filling the gap so women who have children in their care have a place to live and heal when rescued from Human Trafficking.

Becoming part of the solution.

The problem

There is a gap in restorative services available for women who have children and have been sexually exploited, and a solution is both crucial and attainable.

The inspiration

Women who have children and have been sexually exploited need access to services that can keep them together and help break generational trauma.

The future

We envision a place of comprehensive care: living spaces, counseling and therapy, life skills classes, healthcare, a self-sustained food program, and more.

The start

We have audacious fundraising goals! We anticipate an annual funding need of around $420,000 per year beginning in 2024 to bridge the gap.

Human trafficking in the U.S.


Hundreds of thousands of individuals are trafficked every year in the United States. Of the 1% who are identified, few receive care. 80% of survivors end up being revictimized if they do not have a safe place to go.

Barriers to equitable care.


Without homes available that can accommodate children, mothers remain in their trafficking situation and/or without restorative care for fear of losing their children to the system or their trafficker.

How to help.

We need you! Onehope Refuge is laying the foundation to provide women who have children and have been sexually exploited with access to restorative care. To move forward, we need donors like you to join us on the journey. With your support, we will be able to continue creating a space that encompasses hope and meets the mental, physical, and spiritual needs of mothers and their children.


icon of heart representing the mission

Our Mission

To provide transitional housing and quality restorative services that move women and their children to lives of stability, independence, and new life.

telescope icon representing the vision

Our Vision

To see a world where no sexually exploited woman has to be separated from her children in order to receive safety, care, and healing.

chart icon representing the why behind the work of Onehope Refuge

Our Why

85-90% of women sex trafficked were sexually exploited when young, making them vulnerable to future predators and in need of the power of Jesus to break the cycle of trauma.

Emergency response & the Continuum of Care.


Onehope Refuge will offer three Continuum of Care (CoC) phases.

01  Phase I

Emergency Safe Housing and Stabilization, 3 months


03  Phase III

Independent Housing, 1-3 years

02 Phase II

Long-term Residential Trauma-Specific Care, 18 months – 2 years


Where we are going.

image of a mother and her child sitting in the grass


Our care services will meet all basic needs as well as provide medical & dental care, trauma-specific therapeutic counseling, addiction and sobriety group therapy & more for women and their children.


Estimated Need $57,000

woman and her child laying on a bed, daughter is whispering to her mother


We will start with one home serving three women and their children. Additional homes will be added as the women move through the three stages of care.



Estimated Need $83,300

woman of color sitting at her laptop and smiling


We must hire a minimum of five Home Coordinators to provide 24/7 care.





Estimated Need $273,300
two photos side-by-side, one with a child laying on their mother's lap, the other with a mother embracing her daughter

Our current needs.


01  Prayer. Always!


02  Financial Support.


03  Church Partners.


04  Trauma-Informed


05  Social Media Volunteer.

06  Grant Writing Volunteer.


07  Trauma-Informed

Childcare Volunteer.


08  Business Partners.


09  Healthcare Partners.

10  In-Kind Donations.

Our partners.

Want to learn more?

Have questions? Ready to learn more about restorative services for women and children? That’s what we’re here for. Contact us today!


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